viernes, 20 de febrero de 2009

Are You Ready for This Weekend???

If you are I'm not!!! hahahaha I don't have really a plan, tomorrow someone who I just seen a few times in my life has a wedding. I have no dress and to be honest I don't wanna go so I hope somebody could rescue me!!!

1 comentario:

  1. Is there something to be ready about? lol I slept in this morning (Saturday), cleaned my house a little, did the laundry, listened to music, online, and waited for a call to go out from some friends who said we'd go out and they haven't called so far. Oh well. It's not like I'm dying to go out, really.


    ¤I don't -have really- a plan (really have)

    ¤tomorrow someone -who I just seen a few times- in my life has a wedding. ([whom] I've only seen a few times)
