viernes, 20 de febrero de 2009

Are You Ready for This Weekend???

If you are I'm not!!! hahahaha I don't have really a plan, tomorrow someone who I just seen a few times in my life has a wedding. I have no dress and to be honest I don't wanna go so I hope somebody could rescue me!!!

miércoles, 18 de febrero de 2009

WoW I have no Idea!!!???

I'm so tired and I dont know why!!!
I guess that GYM stuff really works, at least I can think in something different and I'm doing something about my health hahaha I hate have those more pounds but It's something that just happened!! hahaha Anyway almost everybody who has the changes that I had, has the same problem!! Weeell I g2g.


martes, 17 de febrero de 2009

I wanna a Fries so bad!!!

I wanna a Fries and the fridge its empty!!!!
So I guess I have to go out and get it!!!
damn it!!!1

lunes, 16 de febrero de 2009

My Parents, They don't answer on the telephone!!!

This is me again!!! hahahah who else could be!!!???
My Parents they don't answer on the telephone I don't even know where the hell They are!!!!

Oooooh Yeah!!!

My Parents are still MISSING.

I guess they are too busy and they don't call me because They though I must learn how is life without them...its kind of easy!.
The only bad thing is... they perfectly know I don't have money!!! I don't have a job and I'm not gonna spend my savings!!! I hate have to ask for money!!!! I miss so much my financial independence!!! I wish I were in Toronto!!!

I'm starting to think about get a temporary job but I just look at the salary and I just wanna cry!!!! I have to forget keeping with my rockstar life!!!

Well I'll explain in a future what does mean have a RockStar Life!!!


domingo, 15 de febrero de 2009

My First Blog


I'm Nubia and this is my first blog...
This is a big challenge for me because I'm so bad in writting and my grammar is kind of... terrible? but I'm gonna try my best!!

I'm 2? years old, I used to live in Queretaro until 2006.

The last two years and a half I was living in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. My dad got a job there and then he brought us (my mom, my brother and I) with him. Everything since the first day was amazing!! Live in Canada was the best thing ever could happen to me!!!!

I have no regrets for what I left when I went there!!!

Now I'm in Mexico again... why?? well when I went to Canada I just finished my university but I didn't get my career degree!! and to get a better job there I need to complete that process and then going back to Canada!!!

I choose live here in Tampico because I don't wanna live in Queretaro because I feel out of place since always!!! I'm too crazy for the people who lives there hahaha.

Well I'm so hungry!! so I g2g!!
